Trying To Trigger Racial Tension, Netizens Slam Teresa.

April 04, 2017 Admin 0 Comments

This comment was for a Teresa Kok's post that is trying to fan religious anger.
She wrote: "In Malaysia, non-Muslims being described as karfi harbi (non-Muslims who kill Muslims in a war in an Islamic state) by Imam, but no action taken against them ....

A brave lady who had voted for DAP several times before expressed her view that DAP posts such as these serves to divide the nation, incite anger, promotes negativity and does nothing good for the country.
Immediately after saying that, she gets attacked by the RBA - a favourite communist-era tactic employed by DAP to silence dissent among their supporters.
Later on, thhe replies "Will appreciate the respect of voices. One which you had just attacked by accusing me indirectly being ignorant, truth denying, small minded, and country ruining. Kindly remind me if i had missed anything out. Interesting turn of events.
If the only way one can express a view (like yours) is by trying to belittle me by asking me whether do i know something or not, something like spreading of awareness. Then all i can say is, i just made a right decision of steering clear of this crowd of people. Your comment had further confirm it. "
She got quite a bit of support from likes as well as people commenting too.
Looks like certain neutrals or DAP supporters are waking up to DAP's usual use of race/religion issues to incite and create hatred already.


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